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A new cycle begins at Buckingham Palace.
March 30, 2023

A new cycle begins at Buckingham Palace. The throne once held by Queen Elizabeth II is now occupied by her son King Charles III.

The United Kingdom has a new monarch. But what does this mean for the Heart of the Universe? What did the Queen of the Universe – Shri Mataji – say about the Royal family?

The Portuguese Sahaja Yogi Luis Garrido who spent much time with Shri Mataji recalls one of his conversations with Her.

“I remember one occasion when Shri Mataji mentioned the then Prince Charles, now King Charles III.” He continues “The television news announced that Prince Charles and Lady Diana’s divorce seemed inevitable. It was then that Shri Mataji mentioned that She had always wanted to meet Prince Charles because he is a seeker of truth.

Mother added with regret that a meeting had been set up twice for Her to meet Prince Charles but on both occasions there was a last minute cancellation. The meeting in question had been arranged by a mutual friend of Shri Mataji and the then Prince Charles. The friend in common was then Queen of Bhutan if my memory serves me (although it could have been the Queen of Nepal, this is where my memory is not so clear after all these years).

On that occasion Shri Mataji also mentioned that She had always supported the Dharma of British Royalty and that She regretted that the meeting in question did not happen as She cared very much for the Dharma of the British Royalty.”

Another yogi, Uncle Fergy, has put together some excerpts from Shri Mataji’s lectures where She mentions the British royal family.

Press Conference, Índia – 20/12/1990

“Gorbachev also considers me. Even the Prince of Wales recognized me. They all recognized me. But a new confusion has started in our country. They don’t recognize saints don’t even know Saints. How do you identify them? Their character, their behaviour, their way of life, their love. It’s good, they recognized me. That was my identity. I should have known that too.”

“Divine Discretion”, Hamsa Chakra Puja, USA – 28/05/1990

“…everybody is now today talking of spirituality, even the Prince of Wales the other day was talking that, “We should take to spirituality not to so much materialism that has caused us ecological problems and things like that.” Everybody’s talking of spirituality, and you are the ones who have it with you; you are the ones who have powers with you; you are the ones who can spread it. “

Media Interview, Australia – 05/04/1991
“…have You met the Queen? – Yeah, of course I’ve met her. – Yeah. How did You feel who was spiritual? She’s a very sweet person, extremely sweet, very humble, very sweet, nice person and she has tendencies towards Spirituality, no doubt and I’m going to meet now Prince of Wales when I’m going to England. He wants to meet Me for some purpose. Then I’ll see if he comes to sahaja yoga. She’s a very open-minded lady, extremely open-minded.

May this new era in British history be full of vibrations and Self Realisations.

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