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Herbert Reininger tells how he got Realization at the first public program in Vienna.
March 30, 2023

Virata: Uncle Herbert, let’s talk about your journey in Sahaja Yoga. When did you get your Self-Realization?

Herbert: Well, it was a while ago. It’s going to be 40 years later this year. It happened on September 28, 1982. I was walking home from work, and I was in a difficult state internally. You know life didn’t make much sense. I felt very frustrated. It was dark inside, if you understand what I’m trying to say here. I had tried many different things, but nothing was satisfying. So, I’m walking home through the streets of Vienna, and a voice inside me says, “there is a newspaper in front of you on the floor; you should pick it up.” And I’m thinking: “That’s very strange; I have already read today’s paper, why should I pick up a newspaper from the floor? It’s dirty; people are walking all over it… but I did pick it up. I opened it, it was a big one – the Kurier, and looked straight at a photo of an Indian lady. And I couldn’t stop looking. It was a fantastic experience right then and there. It was like the crusts that had built around my heart, preventing me from feeling joy, suddenly melted away. I was just looking at the picture, and felt an amazing joy inside. It felt like the light got turned on, and I thought: “What is going on here? I don’t understand.” And then I started reading. It was basically an ad for Shri Mataji’s first visit to Vienna. The program was free of charge, and it was supposed to start in an hour and a half. I thought: “Oh yeah, I definitely want to go!”. So I rushed home, took a quick shower, and rushed back to Urania. I was a bit right-sided, so rush, rush, and I was one of the first ones there. The hall was still pretty much empty. There were maybe just three or four people. I watched the yogis decorating the place at a leisurely pace, putting up the saris, bringing Shri Mataji’s chair, and arranging flowers.

I did not really know what to expect. Everything was very casual. Then there was an introduction by a yogi from Switzerland who spoke German with a strong French accent. It was challenging to understand, and what he was talking about was entirely new to me. I had no idea about chakras, channels, deities, and other things. I was about to get up and leave, but I somehow remembered this nice feeling when I looked at Shri Mataji’s photo in the newspaper. I said to myself: “I want to see Her. I want to know if I will feel the same thing again.” The introduction finished, She walked onto the  stage, and the magic happened again. She came in a white sari. My Kundalini just went up like that as She was walking, but I didn’t understand it. I just felt it. I felt like I’m home again. All this long journey full of complications, everything finished here. It felt like a giant river flowing right above my head, and I’m too small to get there. Then She gave us Self-Realization. I put my hand above my head and thought… no, actually, I wasn’t thinking… I was wondering how is that possible? What am I feeling here? But it felt good. In those years after the program, Shri Mataji stayed on stage for a long time. Everybody who wanted to come and meet Her could do it, so there was a long queue. But because I was one of the first ones in the hall, I was sitting pretty much in the front row. When I got on stage, She extended both arms toward me, and without thinking, I just took Her arms. She pulled me towards Her. She held my hands and said: “it’s so nice that you came.” And that was it.

Interestingly, this photo was taken by a well-known journalist (Herbert shows an image of Shri Mataji holding his hands). It’s a grainy black and white picture, part of a double-page spread in the most prominent magazine of those days. There was a whole story around Mother’s visit, and this picture was in color. The next day when I went back to work, people who had seen this picture asked what was going on. What’s a guru? And you know all these other questions. Suddenly I was famous. It didn’t last long, but it was an interesting experience, so that’s how it all started.

Interview conducted on 10/04/2022 by Daniel and David Jesus Vignolli
Transcription and editing: Leela Jesus Vignolli

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