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The most miraculous experience of Pat Anslow
August 30, 2023

One day, I had this unbelievable experience. I had a powerful dream where I encountered the angel of death. You know, the Grim Reaper. He was this huge warrior angel covered in blood. A very serious figure. He grasped my hand and said, “You must bid farewell to everyone.” I responded “goodbye, everyone” and he remarked, “Very good,” accompanied by a slight smile.

I woke up and thought, “Oh God, I’m going to die.” However, a couple of days later, something incredible occurred. I stepped out of my car to visit a client for a central heating survey, and suddenly, the Kundalini surged through my body. Its width felt so expansive that it seemed wider than my own body. It just went straight up and then bang! Suddenly, I found myself floating in the air, above myself, yet somehow I continued with my work.

I entered the house, met the woman, and proceeded with measurements and stuff while my true self floated above my head, smiling and observing everything throughout the room, even on the ceilings. This poor woman repeatedly glanced upwards behind herself and above herself. She sensed something was happening but she didn’t know what.

This persisted for several days, eventually leading to an experience at work. We had a large open-plan office, and I was seated there, sketching out some plans. I went into an immensely profound state of complete silence. It grew deeper and deeper. I began to sense my entire human personality dissolving, yet simultaneously, I didn’t have the slightest worry. I loved the experience. I just wanted to dissolve further and further.

Finally, in a final act of surrender, I felt something unwind in my head. Suddenly, Shri Mataji just seemed to download Herself into my being, and for a moment, I became Shri Mataji. Full of light and power and I just knew so many things. My chakras and Kundalini surged into action with incredible force. They performed such extraordinary things that it frightened me. I thought what’s going to happen to all these people around me in the office. And I kind of snapped out of the state, finding myself seated at my desk, utterly astonished. That was the most miraculous thing I had ever experienced.

Listen to the whole interview on UK Golden Memories YouTube channel

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